Soil Organic Carbon Monitoring 

For farmers, estate managers, agronomists, food manufacturers and retailers - and the carbon markets. 

Soil quality, food security and climate change are inextricably linked. Healthy soils improve agricultural performance, capture and store carbon and generate tradeable credits. ecometric has delivered a step change in the development and application of soil monitoring technologies. The result is highly accurate measurement, reporting and verification of soil organic carbon stocks – at scale and at low cost. 

With a senior management team whose expertise spans from farming and precision agriculture to remote sensing and AI, ecometric is recognised for helping optimise soil and land management regimes.  It enables efficiencies through improved understanding of soils and enhanced returns through lower input costs, meaning improved yields and increased profits.

ecometric also works with landowners to realise additional revenue potential from sequestered soil organic carbon stocks; unlocking ‘dark green’ carbon credits which set a new quality benchmark; built on carbon dioxide removal (CDR), monitored annually over a ten-year permanence cycle and logged in an immutable record.

Today our clients can be found across the UK, Europe and as far afield as Australasia.  They range from farmers and land managers to agronomists, food producers, retail operators, credit buying funds and businesses.  All keen to understand and mitigate the carbon footprint of their business and supply chain - and to put in placed trusted and proven monitoring tools to deliver change. 

Delivering in the field

Emmett has worked with ecometric for two seasons. Our starting point, to find an affordable, scalable method to routinely monitor our soil organic carbon stock change in order to understand the impact played by our crops in the rotation. The end point, to establish an accurate-net carbon position. We have been really impressed. The ground truthed results have been highly accurate. Given that ecometric stands outside the ag-supply chain furthermore there is no commercial bias or need for other farm data. We strongly recommend and hope to work with ecometric on our Net Zero journey.

Emmett UK

Emmett is a vertically integrated farming, packing and marketing business supplying retail customers with specialised vegetable products.

Working in Partnership 

From initial  baseline soil sampling to satellite survey and AI evaluation, ecometric offers a vertically integrated platform to report the net carbon position of each field after each production cycle.  

Reports include digitised soil organic carbon mapping for landowners, detailed reporting on carbon assets for land managers or, for example, soil organic carbon stock monitoring across a supermarket’s  supplier portfolio, enabling annual tracking and reporting. 

ecometric also works with clients to advise on historic soil dataset quality and suitability as a baseline source and to lay out the methodology to track future stock changes over time.  

Working with the industry

  • Farmers

    Baseline soil sampling of representative subsections of the farm as a soil management data source or a whole farm baseline from which to quantify future sequestered stock gains as the basis of CDR Credit origination. Annual soil sampling, AI analysis, mapping and reporting at 10sqm resolution…

  • Estate Managers

    Scaled solutions for environments ranging from peatlands to farmed estates. Offering high resolution carbon mapping and monitoring at scale to track stock change and report net carbon position - as part of the emissions reporting cycle or carbon credit contract monitoring cycle…

  • Manufacturers & Retail Operators

    Grower base carbon auditing for food, beverage and clothing manufacturers - and retail operators - looking to establish, track, report and improve carbon data across their supply chain…

  • Agronomists & Advisory services

    Working with leading agronomy businesses to provide soil performance data relating organic carbon stocks to nitrogen use efficiency and yield, in support of regenerative agriculture, increased productivity and profitability…